Monday, November 18, 2013

Outlaw, Thugs, Full Time Author, and Charity

Happy dance! Damaged and the Outlaw is in its final stages. Sally has read the book and says it's her favorite Damaged book so far. Trust me that the chick doesn't bullshit when it comes to books.

Candy Girl is reading it now. I'm still tweaking things. Adding and deleting, editing and proofing, but it'll be in the hands of my other beta readers by the end of the week. The publishing date is set for November 26.

An awesome romance blog called Read This ~ Hear That did the cover reveal on Saturday. Thanks to Natalee who put it together last minute. Not only is she aces, her blog is sexy fun with lots of great book giveaways.

For Thanksgiving week, I'm set to edit Scattered. As some of you know, I homeschool Roo and Pooh. Normally, kids attend school Mon-Wed during the week of Thanksgiving, but they honestly never do much. I've decided to have my boys take the week off and add those missing days later in the year. So next week will be relaxing for everyone.

I'm also psyched to start Blue Awakening. Last weekend, Candy Girl helped me decide on a cover for the book. Now, I just need to write it. While I've completed the first chapter and a few other scenes, the gist of the novel waits for me to get cracking. I'm even listening to Susan Boyle to set the mood.

This last week wasn't all happy happy joy joy. A particularly stupid BBA decided to turn full-on thug and use an offensive slur against the disabled. She giggled about it later. Blew off anyone who might be offended then made herself the victim. Same old crap from her type of loser.

Months ago, I wrote about how hurtful and evil the R word is to anyone who truly cares about the disabled. As a mother with two sons on the autism spectrum, I have no patience for excuses by people who attack the disabled. I never wrote about my sons' disabilities before because I know the asshats would mock them. That's what the sick bastards do.

In the end, those bottom feeders can write whatever they want about my family. They are beyond help, particularly when they make excuses to use hate speech. Some words are just ugly and should never be used.

Possibly, this selfish chick is from a part of the country or belongs to an age group that believes the disabled should be shuttered away and pitied from afar. It doesn't matter why she believes hate speech like the R word is acceptable. She's filth like all people who attack the most vulnerable in society. Yeah, I'm pissed. Use that vile word and I go Mama Grizzly. No sympathy for bigots.

In good news, my girl Lauryl quit her "day job" and is a full-time author now. Congratulations! It's a big deal when an author can claim writing as their occupation, rather than a hobby. She's worked hard the last year, publishing three books and building a fan base. Here's hoping 2014 is even more successful for Lauryl as she expands to new genres and gains more fans.

Lots of great blogging this last week. On Indie Angie, I interviewed a really cool UF author named Rebecca Espinoza. Candy Girl previously reviewed Rebecca's first book, Binds. This week, she reviewed Café Insomniac. I added a review for Lady Sings the Blues. On Where Zombies Come to Read, Deadly Dee gave a stellar review for Corpse Days which is by a new hot author named Jonathon Kane. We're all looking forward to his upcoming UF novel.

With Outlaw's approaching release, I wrote up a Bijou Babbles. Later in the week, I'll post an excerpt from the book. Finally on BBA Whisperer, we giggled through our weekly update, pointed out a raging duh from one of my fandorks, and revealed the nastiness from the asshat I mentioned earlier.

I want to end this post by mentioning the recent natural disasters that have taken the lives of so many. I have several friends with family who have been devastated by the typhoon in the Philippines. If you're interested in donating to help those who've suffered greatly, you can do so here. There are many other groups providing relief like Doctors without Borders, UNICEFOXFAM America, and Save the Children.

Closer to home, a tornado tore apart towns in Illinois. If you'd like to help those hurt worst, you can donate here.

I hope everyone who believes in the power of God will pray for those suffering. If you're not a believer, please send positive thoughts to the survivors.

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