Monday, September 23, 2013

Mustaches are Hot and Not Just on Zombies!

Let's start off with this week's super important news. My mustache fetish was ahead of the curve, baby! Look at all of the hot guys who want to be the next Burt, Tom, or Earl. Growl, purr, yums, and not at all 1970's porn.

It was one of those wild writing weeks. I finished Cobra. Yah! Edited. Snore. Mustang Sally read it. Fixed her issues with the book. Candy Girl read it and will send me her notes. Next, I'll fix it for Bijou's beta readers. If there are no big issues, Cobra will be released on Oct. 1st. Hot damn!

The book feels weird though. Like not as dark as the others or the ones to come. Aaron is a nice guy and Lark is a sweet girl. Drama kept to a minimum. I don't know how readers will react, but I enjoyed the romance. It was also a nice break because Outlaw looks to be one giant drama-llama clusterf*ck between Raven and Vaughn. It's going to be fun to write since they're both messed up yet funny characters.

I gave myself the weekend to relax. There was a lot of drama on GR and plenty of BBA were freaking out. First, the asshats were happy then they were mad. Now, they're fighting with each other. It's a little funny actually.

Since I was nursing a headache, I needed the break. I do love autumn and it's cooled down here nicely. Yet, my head reacted angrily. It's better now which is good because I have work to do.

This week, I will start writing Outlaw and editing Scattered. My goal is to have them both done by the end of Oct. Likely, I'm hoping for too much, but I think a month should be enough time to get Outlaw finished. I am still in an Ellsberg state of mind. I am also really into the idea of Vaughn and Raven. Better start writing before my brain focuses on something else.

This week, I had a cover reveal for Damaged and the Cobra on Bijou's blog. On Indie Angie, I had the pleasure of promoting the first book by Stephanie Nicole Garza. She enjoyed my Bijou books and we chatted first on FB then by email. I learned she was working on a book. A few months later, she's published Love Came Back. What an amazing experience to help a newbie. I'll have her interview posted this week on Indie Angie too.

Last week on Where Zombies Come to Read, I interviewed Steven Roy. His Black Redneck vs. Space Zombies is a wild ride. Also, Deadly Dee reviewed The Harvesting by the cool indie author Melanie Karsak. Today, I'll post an interview with Jeffrey Littorno who wrote The Most Uncommon Cold. Some of his answers cracked me up. The guy definitely has a solid sense of humor.

As happy as I am to finish another book, I feel like the process never ends. In fact, the assembly line isn't slowing down, but speeding up. Last night, I wrote up a few ideas for new books by different pen names. Eek! While it can be stressful, the fact is I'm making a living doing what I love. Next month is Roo's tenth birthday and I don't have to stress money when buying his gifts. He's not a greedy kid, but video games don't come cheap, you know? Also, through writing and blogging, I have met so many awesome people. I've also met plenty of jerks who make the awesome people more awesome in comparison. 

I'll leave you with something that made my jaw drop when I read it. Toni Basil of "Mickey" fame turned 70 over the weekend! Wow, time flies.

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