Monday, September 9, 2013

Farewell For Now, Cool Beans!

What an exhausting week! I worked two days at Cool Beans Elementary and adored both classes and not in a fake "all kids are great" way. The kids at Cool Beans are simply charming. After all, there's a reason I made an exception this year for the school.

Since writing is my core employment now, I really didn't need to work at Cool Beans. I tried though because the kids are dolls and the teachers and support staff are awesome too. Yet, with only so many hours in the day, I've made the decision to stop taking jobs for the rest of the year. I still have plans to publish between five and eight more books by January. This means I must say farewell to Cool Beans for 2013!

Bijou readers are getting restless for the next Damaged book. I said Cobra would be ready in late September. They don't care about pen names' books. They want it now! I feel like a lame La La to take this long to finish the book. The upside is I hope to publish Outlaw around Halloween, so readers will have less time to wait between books.

Dmitri is on hold until Cobra is in the hands of beta readers. Same with Blue Awakening and obvious Rebound Biker. I'm panicking a little at how it's already September and I have a ton of writing and editing left to do. No way will I get all of my projected projects completed this year. Bummer. The must haves are:

1) Damaged and the Cobra
2) Damaged and the Outlaw
3) Dmitri (Catalina demands her book this year)
4) Scattered (needs a good editing and revised ending)
5) Wounded Soul (really big edit needed)
6) Blue Awakening
7) Damaged and the Dragon

Hopefully, I can get Gigi or Shadow Sisters started by the end of the year. Would love to get Rebound Biker done in early 2014 for the Etta pen name.

Regular readers probably remember my Denny's buddy Bill. Well, the guy is frigging badass and I'm totally writing him as a character in my next zombie book. He got all shy when I told him, but that's just how the guy is about attention.

You also might remember my fangirl Margo who humps my every move. A few weeks ago, I said she was writing another book and I hoped she would focus on writing instead of being a BBA. Nope. She's back to harassing readers and ignoring her writing. It's obvious where her priorities rest.

Another fangirl is Princess PP who linked her whine blog to my personal blog because she's hearting for me. Since she wanted a shout out, here it is.

In case you don't know, PP is a whiny woman who wears silly hats, writes awful books, cites herself as an editor on her books, and has never met a misogynistic pig she couldn't cuddle with. She's a winner for sure.

The funny thing is she claims I should focus on writing, instead of being "mean" to her. Hmm...since I learned she existed (back around January), I've published five books and two have actually done well. I don't think I need to worry about my priorities. Unlike Margo and PP, I can multitask.

The not so funny part is how PP named her new blog "Trollstomp." Classy, huh? She acts so uppity and refined, but her blog's title is a threat of violence. After all, I'm one of the "trolls" she hates and she wants to stomp me. Anger management classes clearly need to be in her future.

My blog tracking her bad behavior is called BBA Whisperer. Yes, I whisper to the badly behaving authors in the hopes of changing their vile ways. Meanwhile, PP threatens violence. You know, when she isn't abusing a thesaurus in a sad attempt to seem smart.

One of PP's buddies is Bad Santa who has admitted he plans to track down the personal information of readers and post them on his blog. We wrote about this on BBA Whisperer this week. I also had a lot of fun writing about Bankie Boy needing his diaper changed. The guy is a whiny loser who seems especially angry at women. PP's friends are the epitome of class.

You know who actually is classy? My new reviewer Deadly Dee. She reviewed an awesome author's books this week. I talked up Vincenzo Bilof last week and Dee couldn't say enough wonderful things about his books. Loved them! What a great start to our reviewing feature on Where Zombies Come to Read.

Since I worked at Cool Beans last week, I didn't have a chance to blog for Indie Angie or Bijou. I hope to get caught up in the next few days.

Most of all, I'm focused on finishing Cobra, so I can give it to my beta readers. As always, I have the amazing Candy Girl and Mustang Sally. This time, I'm also blessed with the help of a few great readers who enjoyed the first two Damaged books. My goal is to have Cobra published by October 1. Wish me, Lark, and Aaron luck!!!

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