Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Springtime is when most people do their cleaning. Since I was busy in the spring and summer, I'm finally getting organized now in the autumn.

One of things I've finally gotten around to doing was creating a specific Bijou website where I can sell books and swag. In the past money was tight, so I shoved all of my pen names along with my BBA forum onto the single site. Finally, I accepted I have the money to create a second website specifically for Bijou. I’m still designing while also setting up the Whisperer site with only BBA info.

Now I admit I haven’t been paying much attention to the BBA stuff lately. Miranda and I stopped posting on the Whisperer blog back in Feb. We had a few posts on secondary blogs, detailing private information we received from inside sources.

Yet back in early summer, STGRB went quiet and we saw no need to blog at all anymore. There are plenty of talented bloggers who can handle people like Kathleen Hale. Back in the day, few were willing to challenge STGRB directly, instead pretending to ignore the hate site. You know, except when they were babbling about it in private groups.

Miranda and I don’t hear much about BBA anymore unless it’s a big deal like the Maggie Spence clusterfuck over the summer. Otherwise, we’re focused on books and covers. Miranda spends a lot of time designing teasers for me. She’s also given advice to a few other indie authors. Agent M isn't officially retired from tracking asshats, but she rarely gives them much attention these days.

As for our other blogs like Indie Angie and Where Zombies Come to Read, they’ve run out of steam. I post about new releases and book sales on BookLikes. I really don’t need to duplicate the info on the Indie Angie blog. I’m also not currently working on my Angela books, so there’s nothing really to post.

At home, I’m organizing my office and looking to declutter. I have a lot of books from the Damaged series sitting around which sounds great except next year will bring new books and series. Until we move, I need to make room, so I plan to do several paperback giveaways during the holidays.

Next year will be crazy busy. I only have two signings on the schedule, but lots of books to publish. I honestly can’t say which ones will be written in 2015. I do have the novella for the box set and the new Bad Men Rising series. Spin-offs from Damaged and Little Memphis MC might happen, but only time will tell. Poor Miranda deals with me telling and retelling her about all of my ideas. She never knows if I’ll actually produce the books I’m bugging her about either.

The last six months or so, I've become spoiled with an income I didn't enjoy even as an IT specialist at a California beach city. However, I’m not at Aurora Rose Reynolds level of successful. No legion of fans or best seller lists. For a midlist author, the way to keep a steady income is to publish, publish, and publish again. No more six month lags like I had between Outlaw and Dragon. Even my holidays will be spent writing. Good thing I love it.

For November, I’m hoping to publish Saint the same week I have a FB blog page takeover along with a sale for Gator. Speaking of my standalone books, Kindle Unlimited has been a boon for both novellas. They get hundreds of borrows each month, keeping their rankings strong.

The rest of October should continue to be drama filled. Both Tigger and Pooh are switching medications. Meanwhile, Roo is “enjoying” that big push students get before the holidays when they learn a lot of new concepts. After Thanksgiving, we review those concepts and things will settle down.

I really should post this message and get back to writing. Yeah, being organized isn’t my favorite thing, but I’m on my way.

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