Monday, February 10, 2014

Hurry up and...what was my point?

Arg! The flu keeps on giving. Plus, the weather remains brutal here in Indianapolis. The only time the temps aren't around zero is when more snow shows up. With the crazy weather, it's taking forever to get over the flu.

Even feeling like crap, I finished the rough draft of Gator on Friday. It turned out pretty badass. I'm currently reading through it, adding details and deleting stupid stuff. In a few days, I hope to have the next draft ready for Sally. Then, it'll go to Miranda and finally Sarah. Whenever they're happy with it, I'll hit publish.

I decided this week that publishing under a new pen name will be a pain in the ass. Duh, right? Actually publishing under another name is easy peasy on Amazon. It's the social media aspects (Twitter, FB, blog, etc) that will take up a lot of time I just don't have. So I'll publish the standalone Gator under Bijou.

This week, after I finish my edit of Gator, I'll work on Scattered. I've been messing with the Dakota book since December. I get distracted so easily. My plan is to publish Gator and Scattered in February. Once I have my edits done and the books are in the hands of my beta readers, I'll focus on Damaged and the Dragon.

As my Bijou readers know, each book is a standalone romance. However, the world of Ellsberg expands and prior couples continue their journeys in the new books. So as I'm writing Dragon, I'll be prepping for both Bulldog and Saint. I also plan to write Dragon and Bulldog back-to-back. Finally, I'm working on a Cooper POV novelette as a treat for fans.

This last week involved a lot of drama as particular people caught up with the obvious. No big surprise on my side. Miranda is my BFF. Marcy is my Lil Sis. All is right in the world.

I blogged a little bit during the last week. We posted the 22 Faces of Athena on the Whisperer and have a fun new series planned for the blog. The first installment is now posted.

On Indie Angie, I posted two interviews with romance author Laramie Briscoe (Main and Shooting the Shit). This weekend, I was contacted by Permuted Press to showcase their awesome horror authors on Where Zombies Come to Read. Blogging apparently won't be taking a backseat as soon as I planned.

January was a crazy month with the road trip/vacation/book signing along with catching the flu. February looks like it'll be more relaxed. Hopefully, it'll be productive too, since readers are getting restless for Bailey's book. I guess I better hit publish on this blog post and get back to work.

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