Sunday, February 7, 2016

I Told You I Was Mean

So far, so good. My plan to publish a book a month remains on schedule. I know this pace won’t last past April, but I’m still excited to be more productive.

Sunday Morning will be published next. The novelette was originally meant for a biker themed anthology connected to the OAMC signing. I won’t be able to travel to Mississippi this June, so I’m publishing the short story on my own at the end of February.

I never really intended to write about Kirk and Jodi Johansson. For years, readers requested their story, but I felt their relationship was too complicated because of the age difference. Besides, I always viewed them as the parents from the Damaged series rather than a main couple.

I did enjoy writing the story. With the Ramsey Security series, the characters were well off financially. I missed my down on their luck, rougher characters.

After Sunday Morning, I’ll focus on finishing Junkyard Dog. I’m really digging this book. Hayes and Candy are fun characters. He’s my fave kind of hero. The big jerk that mellows once he finds the right woman.

In the spring, I plan to start a project I’ve been toying with since January 2014. Lost Highway could turn into a train wreck, and I’ll likely publish it under a pen name. If the book comes out like I imagine it, the plot does not fit the Bijou brand. Of course, my books often take off in odd directions so who knows what will happen with this one.

Even though I had to bail on the MS signing, I still plan to attend Deliciously Dirty in Dallas. I have several friends going including Aimie Grey. One author who signed up has me worried though.

I really, really don’t like this woman. When I saw her name on the banner, I was instantly pissed at the thought of meeting her. This won't be the first time I've attended signings with authors I dislike. Usually though, the authors I don’t like, don’t like me in return. We avoid each other. Easy peasy, everyone’s happy.

This author doesn’t know I dislike her. She likely barely knows I exist. Last year though, I saw her post something that angered me tremendously. She’s one of those people that love throwing around the R word.

Now because she writes in my sub-genre and we share author friends, I’ll no doubt meet her. I can’t avoid it without being obviously rude. These signings are part of my job and throwing a fit at one can’t happen.

I’ve decided to work on my hatred of the R word. Mostly, I want to learn to calmly accept how many people find the word acceptable. I’ve already taken steps to embrace this new way of thinking. By August, I should be able to look into this author's eyes and not judge her at all. That’s the plan anyway.

So I’ve been more productive this year and I’m learning to deal with certain kinds of people. What else is new? Photoshop! I’ve learned two new skills! Yes, I’m aware there are hundreds of things Photoshop can do, but I’m not a very visual person. Fortunately, YouTube is full of videos to help dorks like me learn.

I’m currently working on a few box set designs. I also plan to create new Damaged covers. April will mark the three-year anniversary of my first Bijou book. With the upcoming audio books, I figured now was a good time to give the series a fresh look.

January was a busy month and February is proving to be even more so. Roo is working hard with homeschooling, Tigger is really into action flicks lately, and Pooh is settling into his new house. Sally is in reader heaven this week with new releases from some of her favorite UF authors.

Well I better get back to editing. I hope everyone stays warm during this odd winter. I'll leave you with another great song by one of my fave new singers.

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