Monday, October 7, 2013

High Five for Book Six

What can I say? Organization is my new thing. While I planned to get Damaged and the Cobra published by October 1, I had it on sale by September 30. Look at me, ahead of the curve!!!! Ammy decided to make me squirm a little though.

When I asked to have the Kindle and paperback editions linked, a goof up occurred. The Kindle version was hidden and a few readers received errors when attempting to buy it. Plus, the paperback was attached to my Angela author page. I know Ammy gets a lot of grief for being a cold empire, but I sent another email asking for the issues to be fixed and they were quickly dealt with. Now, all of the links are where they belong. Having worked in IT, I know how easy it is to pick the wrong option and mess up something simple. As bothersome as the issues were, I believed everything would work out. Hooray for positive thinking!

Since Damaged and the Beast found an audience, I've made a habit of going into a bunker mentality after a new book is released. It's too easy to get obsessed with sales, rankings, and reviews. Since the link was dorked up, I was checking the book page a few times a day to see if it was fixed. Yes, I checked my rankings and noticed I am technically a best-selling author in subcategories of contemporary and new adult romance. The proper etiquette is not to call yourself simply a best-selling author unless you've had a book under a hundred in paid Kindle sales. I don't know where I'd announce I'm hot shit besides on my blog, so I just did it. Bragging complete.

The problem with even checking comments on my Bijou Facebook page (I have awesome readers) is I get into an "author" mindset, instead of the lowly writer mentality.

I have no time to pat myself on the back since I announced I would release Damaged and the Outlaw around Halloween. Why so soon? Well, Cobra was a novella (technically a novel, but barely) and I feel like readers need another full-length book to enjoy. Especially since I'm thinking this might be my last Damaged book for the year. I still plan to write Dragon and Saint in early 2014. There are a few readers who seem interested in Dylan getting a book, but I'm unsure about that idea.

So I'm already writing Outlaw, but it's in the early phases. Meaning, I'm jumping around to scenes I have written in my head. Later, I'll piece things together as the story takes on a life of its own. I am really enjoying Vaughn and Raven. As much as I love sweet romances, Aaron and Lark were tougher to write. They were such well adjusted characters and knew what they wanted. There was less drama in their pairing, but I didn't want to force conflict into the book. Readers are savvy and they can feel when an author is feeding them bullshit. Better to keep the book true to the characters and take the chance that it's not wild enough.

Roo had a great birthday last week. Very mellow like we wanted it. We're a mellow family chilling in our tightknit clique. His birthday week basically started on Thursday and is still going. We have a few plans for the next few days.

It's finally starting to feel like autumn here. Cooler weather and the leaves are changing. Speaking of where I live, F&G tried to dox (reveal personal info) me last week. They commented about the city they claim I live in, even though I'd never mentioned the location before. Hmm...if they knew anything about me, they'd understand I don't spook easily. Whisperers aren't wussies.

Last week was busy with Roo's birthday, Cobra's publication, and starting Outlaw, so I didn't get much blogging done. I did post an interview with author Jonathon Kane on Where Zombies Come to Read. He's currently working on a paranormal novel, so I look forward to interviewing him on Indie Angie when the book is done. On my Bijou blog, I added a Bijou Babbles post today along with a poll.

Really digging BookLikes. I changed my profile picture and blog background to something more October festive. My Monchichi is in a costume!!! How f'ing cute!!! I found a pic for Christmas too.

I also set up Mustang Sally on BookLikes. Adding books she wants to read, but doesn't have time to get to yet. Set up her cool looking background. She really liked the profile picture of us back in the 1970's.

I have a lot of interviews to get done for the zombie blog plus a few for Indie Angie. The weekly whiner update for BBA Whisperer is due soon too. Eek! Better get to work.

Happy second week of October and keep a lookout for zombies. This is their time of year!!!


  1. More books without waiting into eternity for them to drop. *sigh of relief. Best news all day. I soooo needed that today, too.

    1. Glad to help you get through a Monday, Bridget. I really hate waiting for books too. I've been lucky to find series when they're done or several books in. I don't know that I'd have the patience to wait otherwise. I'm like a small child on pixie stix that way. :P
